Sunday, September 18, 2011

What I Did on my Summer Vacation

As the days get shorter and the kids are heading back to school; the sure signs that Fall is here.  This is a very different fall for us.  Our not sol little girl has embarked on her scholastic career.  Hard to believe she is old enough to be going to Kindergarten.  This has brought back a lot of memories of my early school days.  One of the activities from school that I remember was discussing or writing about what I did during the summer. 

This has been a much more typical summer than what we can remember in recent years.  Other than Russell's sudden meeting with the floor, and his resulting broken arm, our summer has been relatively hospital free.  Thinking back now I hardly remember Russell breaking his arm.  He was only in a cast for 4 weeks and even when he was in his cast he really didn't slow down much.

Our summer was actually enjoyable for the first time in a long time.  We did things around the yard, went to the park, and even travelled a bit.  Normal things.  The past few years having a big yard has been more of a burden than a place to relax.  In between running around to medical appointments, being busy at work, continual rain and just trying to keep up with life.  Our yard has been sadly neglected.  Finally, this summer I got a chance to get a little bit ahead of the weeds and mowing the lawn.  June was very wet but July and August we received almost no rain.  I took a couple of weeks off in July and August and focused on sprucing up the flower beds and trying to clean things up a bit.  I must admit having things a little tidier does make you feel like you can enjoy the yard a bit more.  Today was a gorgeous fall day and it was so nice to walk around and not see so many unfinished projects.  Well....let's not kid ourselves...I have planted some lawn and I still need to do a few odds and ends but at least I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I'm not a big fan of the look of chain link...but it is low maintenance.  I thought this mini-retaining wall made the fence look pretty good.

Getting close...Just need to get lawn planted

Note all the footprints on the sidewalk....I had lots of little people help with hauling topsoil

We planted a few plants...will probably do some more.  Even a little bit made a big difference.

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