For the most part it has been a very nice summer at the Lepp house. The kids have been outside lots and have really enjoyed splashing around in the pool. July was just about perfect weather for that. We have several friends who are battling with their own health issues and as thankful as we are that we are doing well, for the time being, it is hard to watch others go through things that we are all too familiar with. Today we know of two little ones who are looking at the real possibility of being listed for a heart transplant. I now know how frustrating it is for us to follow someone else's story. When we were posting on our care page and providing almost daily posts on how Russell (and Susan) were doing we had no idea what the effect was on those who read it. We are beginning to gain an understanding of that now. The other lesson we have learned is that as similar as these stories are to our many ways they are different as these little kids forge their own path. We are fearful that the outcome may not be what everyone hopes and prays for.
September is fast approaching (like it or not) and with all of the Fall activities starting up again...our Doctor appointments start up as well. We just had an appointment with Endocrinology (which went well) and in early September we will be seeing the rest of the "ologys." We are conducting an experiment. We are going to see Cardiology, Nephrology, and Opthamology all on the same morning. That should be interesting. It sounds crazy, but if you can get those all done in one morning and save two other trips to the hospital...that would be awesome.
Stay tuned.