Saturday, February 25, 2012

New Years Resolutions

Can you change your New Years resolution...or do you have to wait for next year?

I've never been much for New Years resolutions but I don't think setting goals and trying to improve yourself are bad things.  Susan and I had only one real goal for 2012.  We wanted to go the whole year without landing in the Emergency Room.  2011 was pretty good...only 3 trips to the ER.  If we could avoid the ER that would be fantastic.

So, how long did we last?  A whole 12 days.  Wahoo!

At 5:30 PM on January 12 I got the phone call.  "Hello....Hello...Uhm before I say anything I'm allright."  When a phone conversation starts that way you start jumping to conclusions and the words that "you're allright" are not all that comforting.  The only think it tells me is that you're not unconscious.  This is the call I got from Susan.  She had been in a car accident heading home from work.  She was pretty confident she broke something in her foot.  Off to the emergency room.  Yay!

The interesting part is that we got to go to the Seven Oaks Emergency room.  A new experience.  I thought I should starting writing reviews of the hospitals of Western Canada.

To make a long story short and after spending the better part of two days in the emergency room (yes...we had to come back the next day because they couldn't get enough of our sunshiney personality) we discovered Susan had done a pretty good number on her foot.  She would have surgery on it a week later and thus began our next adventure.

So there went our New Years resolution up in smoke after a whole 12 days.  So...I wondered if I could change New Years Resolutions...what I wanted to do a few more posts on here.  I always felt this was a good way to purge.  I don't really care if anyone reads this blog...I do this for me.  Its a great way to vent frustration.  You may think that it has been pretty quiet at our place lately and that's why I haven't posted anything.  That couldn't be further from the truth...there has been lots going on.  Hopefully...I can be a little more disciplined and post a little more often.  It has been very busy the last 3 or 4 months and our calendar is rapidly filling up for the spring.

Hang on...its going to be a bumpy ride.

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